Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Weigh-In Wednesday

Ok, so I have decided Wednesday can be my wonderful "gage your progress day" ~ ie "Weigh-in Wednesday".
DRUM ROLL PLEASE...................
Almost 2 pounds in a week! Yay! I had taken a really great pic of this on my phone, but it wouldn't load and I have noooo patience today.
OK. So what today's blog really should be like:
Title: Seriously? Seriously!?
Planned Workout: 20 min intervals (3.5/5.5mph), legs, and arms
Actual Workout: NOTHING
The crappy part? I got up this morning looking forward to working out.  Despite being up half the night with a pukey kid. Now I am grouchy.
My hubby thought he was helping me out by letting me sleep (he had really good intentions and a month ago I would have slept and not cared about skipping the gym), except I wasn't sleeping, I was getting ready to go to the gym.  She was still sleeping, so I couldn't just go.  Now I will be going to work on little sleep and no exercise......grrrrr.

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Trying Tuesday

Workout Plan: 20 minutes of intervals (3.5 and 5.5 1min each) and leg circuit on Nautilus
Actual Workout: 10 minutes of intervals (3.5/5.5); 5 minutes of 3.5/3.9; 5 minutes of 3.5/5.0 ...and no leg circuit
Today has just been off.  My daughter wanted to sleep so we literally dragged her out of bed to go to her gym class (mommy's workout time) and swim lessons.  The last minute of my run/intervals I cranked it up to 6MPH just to see if I could do it.... yeah twisted my knee.  So hubby says, "Maybe you shouldn't work out your legs today."  I listened. 
Now I am rushing out the door to get to work on time (Today's my Monday).  Wonder what I can pack that isn't total junk.....Hmmmmm.
Anyone else have days like this?

Monday, February 27, 2012

Ok folks, I have no idea how to do this,  but I'm gonna give it a good shot! I follow a few blogs on here and they are great.  But they are about girls doing healthy things AFTER they have gotten down to their goal weight, or at least after they have started having weight loss success.  So I am gonna try to be different. I am starting my blog from the beginning. All 200-pounds-not-so-glorious-(or glamorous)-beginning.

This is my favorite outfit: comfy Miami tee, Nike sweats, and my New Balance shoes.  (Please pay no attention to the fluffy dog in the bottom right corner, LOL!)

  • 4'11 (without shoes)
  • 200 LBS
  • BMI: 40.4
  • Current Diet: no current diet

  • Weigh 120 LBS by Dec 1, 2012 (for those of you interested in math, that's roughly 8.8 pounds a month)
  • Run a 5K by the end of the year
  • Beat some unsuspecting soul in a push up competition (goofy, I know- but still a goal)

So, I have stats, goals, even a picture.  What do I do from here? I don't really know, but I'm willing to work on it.  Anyone out there have suggestions?