Saturday, April 7, 2012

Eating, Clothes, and Other Stuff *Updated 4/7/2012*

Planned Workout: 2 mile run interval (1.5 miles run, .5 walk)
Actual Workout: 2 mile run interval (1 mile run, 1 mile walk)

Today was not a "push myself" day.  I don't know why, just wasn't.  But tomorrow is another day, and I at least showed up for the game today.

And now its time for........ 

Hunger Pains

Food Journaling for the Not-So-Prepared

I started a food journal three days ago here. 
Everyday but the first day it has said this:

If every day were like today...   You'd weigh 182.2 lbs in 5 weeks

*Based on your total calories consumed for today, you are eating too few calories. Not only is it difficult to receive adequate nutrition at these calorie levels, but you could also be putting your body into starvation mode. Starvation mode lowers your metabolism and makes weight loss more difficult. We suggest increasing your calorie consumption to 1,200 calories per day minimum.


Too few calories?  I eat, let me tell you I do.  I eat toast with cream cheese and sugar free jam in the morning.  I eat baked chicken nuggets with Little Miss.  I even ate an ice cream sandwich today.  While I was still at work I had an extra snack because I knew that the final result for the day would be this.  I wasn't even hungry.
This first day I was full a lot.  I felt too full at times.  I was 157 over my calories, but dang!  I ate french fries (something that RARELY happens). 
My question is: Should I really bump up the calories (my calories for today was 1,123) even though I'm not hungry? 

Clothes Dillema

According to myfitnesspal, I have lost 23 pounds since I signed up a year ago.  WooHoo! As exciting as that is, losing weight leaves me with a dillema.  It's one I'm happy to have, but it is still a dillema.  My clothes are getting too big.  Of course, like most women I have "fat clothes" and "skinny"  "less fat" (in my case) clothes.  23 pounds on a 4'11" woman is a couple of sizes.  My "fat clothes" absolutly do not fit, and my few "less fat" clothes are getting a little baggy.  The only thing that still fits are my workout clothes (thank you hubby for under estimating my size.  I <3 you! )  

Aside from workout clothes, this is what I have left:
  • 1 pair of jeans
  • a few concert tees that never fit me before (concert tees run 2 sizes smaller than the rest of the world)
  • 2 pair of work slacks (one pair will be out in about 5 more pounds)
  • My work shirts (for now, they work)
  • One hoodie
  • a pair of jean capris
  • 2 sundresses (its still too cold for those in Ohio)
  • My free tee I just got from my gym
So what's the dillema? Buying new clothes.  I am Cheapy Mccheapster, so I had already decided that I didn't want to waste money on new clothes and would go to a resale shop.  But even buying used clothes that I know I will have to replace in a couple of months makes me go "grrrr".  Don't get me wrong, once I am to my goal weight I will go out and get clothes that fit, I will consider it a long term investment.  (Not to mention a great reason to maintain my weight.) Plus, my favorite stores always have tons of stuff size 2-8 on clearance (hopefully my size will be somewhere in that range).  For now, I think I will remain Baggy Mcbaggster, at least for another 5-10 pounds.  The I will let my sisters drag me to the store and get some clothes that fit.



  1. I have a plan for you. I will give you my "fat" clothes and wear my "less fat" clothes.
