Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Weigh in Wednesday

Planned Workout: JM30DS, aqua jog
Actual Workout: aqua jog

I am not doing well with this 30DS thing.  Today I over slept, ran to get Little Miss to track and field, me to aqua jog, and her to maw maw's so I could go to the office (my now second job) before going to work. 

Today was just one of those days, I think.  I thought I would be smart and wear my sandals to the gym since I was only swimming.  Yeah, forgot to pack myself socks for work.  Heel boots with no socks :( Awesome.

I did have a good weigh in this morning:

That's right. One pound away from how much I weighed when I found out I was pregnant.  Almost 5 years ago.  Ladies and Gentlemen, I just may be on my way!

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Reality Check

Planned Workout: JM30DS, some kind of running at the gym
Actual Workout: JM30DS, Fat Burner walk @ 3.5 mph, and a little more weight lifting at the gym

Saturday morning, I was feeling good.  I attempted to run 3 miles.  A little over 2 miles in, I hurt my leg.  More specifically, the side of my quad on my right leg.  I tried walking for a while, then running again.  It still hurt.  Worse.  I decided I could walk home.  The more I walked, the more it hurt.  I called Hubby about a quarter of a mile from home to pick me up.  He was out mowing and didn't hear his phone.  I started hobbling, but made it home.

I decided that I would take Sunday and Monday off from any running and not do anything at all workout wise on Sunday.  Monday I did aqua jog, and I felt a little sore, but ok.  Today I tried 30DS and I was timid.  There were certain moves I just wouldn't do.  By Thursday I hope to get a run in, even just a small one.

After this debacle, I took a looonng look in the mirror.  Everyone has been commenting to me about how I am looking good and talking to me about how much weight I have lost.  Since I started this blog I have lost almost 30 pounds.  While this made me feel good and more confident, I started making decisions I shouldn't have last week.  Have a doughnut and coffee for a mid afternoon snack 2 days in a row? Sure why not?  Eat a 530 calorie pizza at 1130pm? As long as I run tomorrow. 

Being a Law Enforcement Dispatcher, this sign rocks!

Anyway, back to the mirror.  I caught a glimpse in the mirror and though, "Wow, I do look different.  Why did I wait so long to do this?"  Then I took a harder look and realized I may have come this far, but I am no where near the end.  Usually, this is when I get discouraged and start telling myself I will never get there.  Not this time.  This time I told myself, "Ok, so we still have back rolls and a "belly flap".  What can we do to work on this?  I think I can feel this time being different.

Tuesday, June 12, 2012


Planned Workout: run 3 miles, and JM30DS
Actual Workout: walk/jog 2miles and JM30DS

So, my IPOD got washed.  Along with my totals for all my runs for the year.  Along with all the music I use to get me through the runs.  So sad.  I hope it can be fixed. :(

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Weigh in Wednesday

Planned Workout: Jillian M's 30 DS, aqua jog
Actual Workout: Aqua Jog, run 3k, more swimming

Ok, so I missed a day of my 30 DS challenge.  Really, I slept in a little too much, started it, did 10 minutes, then went "oh crap!" I gotta get to the gym! I tried to make up for it.

Plus, I was feeling a little bummed.  Today was my 5th day on 30DS and I have really stepped up the exercising this week.  And where does that put me on the scale?



That's right... I gained 4 pounds!!!!

I have been measuring myself and I am losing inches, so I am hoping this it the "muscles have a higher density than fat, so if your are not gaining mass, you are gaining muscle."  I don't know the exact ratios...but I think I will look them up.

I will get back to you on that!

Friday, June 1, 2012

Weigh in Wednesday---err Friday

Planned Workout: Jillian Michaels' 30 day shred, Aqua Jog
Actual Workout: see above ;)

OK, so lets start with the obvious: "Where have you been young lady?"

Well, I have been on myfitnesspal ...aaannndd...going crazy.

We had a yard sale last weekend.  Disaster.  We had to spend all the money we made on food.  Why? Fridge went out... on a holiday weekend...a HOT holiday weekend.  The last 2 days of the sale, we made zilch on money.

Little Miss had her last week of preschool *Sniffle* The little graduation was adorable.

I have taken up a fitness challenge on MFP to do 30 day shred in June.
I have also put (back) in to take up the training position at my old agency. (And remain where I am as well.)
I have decided to keep doing aqua jog, for at least one more session.

OK, the next part... I need to weigh in......


Yeah, doesn't seem like a lot, but I think I am losing inches.   Since it is that time, I will add an updated pic too:


I am working hard on balance right now.  Balancing exercise and food, life and fitness, work and play.  Obviously MFP is helping me with fitness, but it is taking away from my time to blog.  I am working on making time for both.

Thursday, May 24, 2012

Weigh In Wednesday

Planned Workout: Aqua Jog
Actual Workout: Aqua Jog

It is the week of decisions.  I need to decide if I want to sign up for another session of my aqua jog class.  Yes, I will have to pay for the next session, but I do like it.

Liking it is not the problem.  I love the class.  The problem is all these other questions I have about the class:

  1. Can we afford it? We are on a tight budget right now and the class is almost $30.
  2. Is it working? I feel tired and exercised after class, but I'm not sure I am seeing the results I expected.
  3. Can I keep up this schedule and fit in more runs?
  4. What about the fact that I want to swim on free lap time (a totally free activity) now that Little Miss is out of school?
  5. What about other classes I have been thinking of trying?
Running is the biggest one.  Sunday I got up and ran to my sister's house (a little over a mile).  And ever since I have fallen in love with it.

Ok, weight time:


Well, I'll take it.

Saturday, May 19, 2012

What a week!

Planned Workout: Nothing
Actual Workout: Nothing

This week I have been in a funk.  I almost drown myself twice in my swim class.  And I only ran 2.5 miles total this week. I haven't logged on to, I ate fast food ( I know, I KNOW!), I skipped my water class totally on Monday.

Despite all this, somehow, I managed to lose weight.  I have no idea how.  None. 

On Wednesday I was really beginning to question whether I am setting my goals too high, whether I will be able to actually RUN an entire 5k in June, whether I will actually get any further in this journey.  It was depressing.  I honestly think that if Friday's weight would have been higher than the week before, I would have stopped trying.

What makes you feel better when you are in a funk?

Friday, May 18, 2012

Weigh in Wednesday

Planned Workout:Aqua Jog
Actual Workout: Aqua Jog (and a little more)

Yes, I know it is Friday and I am just now weighing myself. I had a bad week and it just had to wait. The results? 186.1 This week, I'll take it!

Thursday, May 10, 2012

WooT WooT!

Planned Workout: 3 mile run/walk interval
Actual Workout: 3 mile run/walk interval

That's right.  I did it.  I got myself up to 3 miles.  Granted, I walked probably a little under a mile of it.  But I did it.  There were some distractions and I think I could have pushed myself harder, but I enjoyed my 3 miles (after the fact,of course.) 
I compared my workout today to one I had in January with about the same time.  In about 40 minutes today I went 3.03 miles.  In about 40 minutes in January I went 1.79.  

I think a good run deserves a celebration.  So after work today I am going to go save some serious cash at the grocery store.  (Yeah, so I celebrate weird.  Whatever.)

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Weigh in Wednesday

Planned Workout: Aqua Jog
Actual Workout: Aqua Jog and 30 minute interval run

I did it! I broke 190!
My current weight:
I even took a picture, see?


And yes, I realize it is upside down.


I had a bad day yesterday. Not just a bad run day. All day. It has been a long time since I have had a completely bad day.
I tried perking myself up several times with many different things:

Bubble Gum lotion didn't help.
Neither did 2 cups of coffee.

Even goofing off and singing to the radio with Little Miss didn't help.

So I was happy just to start a new day this morning.Aqua Jog was good, not great, but a good workout.
Afterwards is where I redeemed myself for yesterday. I ran/walked for 30 minutes. I probably only ran a little over a mile of it, but i pushed myself more than yesterday and did better..even after a 45 minute water workout. I consider that redemption.

Monday, May 7, 2012

Regrets.Concens, and Swimsuits

Planned Workout: Aqua Jog
Actual Workout: Aqua Jog

There are Regrets:
    I shouldn't have weighed myself yesterday.  It wasn't a weigh in day.  I shouldn't have eaten cookies and brownies yesterday. Aaannddd..... I shouldn't have been drying my swimsuit in the dryer all this time.

Then there are Concerns:
      I am having a yard sale at the end of the month.  I am going through all of my clothes and I really want to get rid of everything too big for me.  I think this concerns my hubby.  He is afraid I won't have any clothes left.

Then there's this:


My New (to me) Swimsuit

It is 2 sizes smaller than my old one, and made out of a better material.  It cost $4.  It fits pretty well, with room to lose weight.
I am hoping it will be a good investment.  In June I want to start swimming laps.  And I am talking up this class to hubby in hopes that we can budget it in for the next session. ( If you haven't figured it out yet, we didn't budget in boot camp this time, and I miss that class.)

Saturday, May 5, 2012

Kicked Out

Rest Day

On Thursday, I officially got kicked out of the "Fat Girls Club."  One of it's (self-described, mind you) members pulled me into her area of the office to show her boss how much thinner I looked.  She jokingly told me to turn in my ID.  We talked and joked for a few; I thanked both of them for the compliments and went on my way to work.(Small things like that really help me reaffirm my progress and realize that though I still have very far to go, I have come far as well.) 

As nice as it was to get compliments, I am starting to feel in a scary place. 

No, not that kind of scary.

Yeah, more like that.

I am more and more not fitting into a group, if you will.  Not that I really think anyone is talking about me (and if they are they probably were 20 pounds ago.)  Its more of a no place to go.  Sure, my friends still talk to me and whatnot, but I feel that unless directly asked, I really can't talk about what I'm up to.  I recently told a lifetime friend that I had taken up running.  I don't think she really knew what to say, so I made it a joke: "I must have fallen and hit  my head or something, because you know I have never been athletic."

On the flip side of things, I do not fit in with the group of girls at the gym either.  Don't get me wrong, they are nice and we say hi to each other and talk about stuff when we drop off and pick up our kids from the in-house babysitter.  And their "hanging out" is working out at the gym 5 days a week.  Which is cool, but I can't join them.  I would either slow them down or they would leave me in the dust. 

So, with every mile I run and pound I lose I get more and more into that "limbo" area.  "Limbo" gets lonely. 

So, I'll end this one with a prayer:
"Thank you God for giving me sisters and Hubby.  They are stuck with me limbo or not!"

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Weigh in Wednesday

Planned Workout: Aqua Jog
Actual Workout: Aqua Jog

I've been feeling better and it is showing in everything I do.  I have been eating better and exercising more.  Yesterday was the first day I ran/walked 2 mile in almost 2 weeks.  It felt good, but I can tell I hadn't done it in a while.  I burned out with a tenth of a mile to go on my second run and had to walk it.   But, I ran.
Today was definitely a push day in the water, too.

I am a week late on this, I know, I know, but here it is:

My Updated Pic

I am not a fan of this tank, but since it didn't fit me in January, I'm not complaining too much.  

So, what's my weight this week, you ask?


Three pounds in a week.  I am not sure how I did it, but I am glad I'm back! Maybe next week I will see a number that I haven't seen since I had my daughter: a 18# number!

Monday, April 30, 2012

Foodie, I'm Not

Planned Workout: Aqua Jog
Actual Workout: Aqua Jog, arm circuit, abs

I am not a foodie.  By any means.  Don't get me wrong, I can cook and sometimes I enjoy it.  The enjoying it part seems to be less since Little Miss came along.  Though I do encourage her to help me in the kitchen and she seems to enjoy it.  But my menus are a little, well, bland.

Take last night,for instance.  We had chicken tacos.  Nothing special.  Today's lunch: leftovers.

This is today's lunch: Fruit Salad, Southwest Salad kit, chicken taco
In fact, the most exotic thing I ever cook is curried pork.  I know there are several reasons my menu stays they same: time, money, a 3 year old's palate.  But, I would like to broaden my horizons a little.  Make something new to our family.  This is what I came up with:

Moroccan Vegetable Stew with Couscous

Moroccan vegetable stew blends turmeric, ginger, cinnamon, allspice and garlic with chickpeas, lentils, sweet potatoes, tomatoes and raisins for an aromatic vegetarian meal that's rich in protein and fiber. The legumes in this dish provide iron, while the vegetables offer vitamins A and C. Whole-grain couscous, a Middle Eastern dish, complements this hearty stew and adds extra fiber to your meal.
I got this at

Granted, this will have to wait at least a week until I get to the grocery store again.  And I will have to modify hubby's some (he doesn't like tomatoes), but I think I will try it.  I will let you know how it turns out.

Friday, April 27, 2012


Planned Workout: 2mile run/walk
Actual Workout: 20 minute run/walk

I did do some running today... about 8 minutes of it.  Then my lungs began to burn and I decided walking would be the way to go today.  I am feeling better though.

Now what I would really like to discuss.  Something I saw on The Today Show this morning:  NYFFs (New York Fire Fighters).  There were about half a dozen or so on the show promoting their calender.  And the were Smokin' (please forgive the pun.)  They all looked like newbies though (5 or 6 years on or less,)
When most women think of firefighters this is what they think of:


However, as a wife of a volunteer firefighter for several years( according to the NFPA, 70% of firefighters are volunteer, fyi), I can assure you that most firefighters look like this:


That's right. Awesome huh?  Full time EMS is about the same (with more females). 

I remember being told once how lucky I must be to get to "hang out" at the fire station.  LOL... the pic directly above comes to mind.

Now girls, don't get me wrong, there are some "Hotties" out there.  But don't think that great bodies = coolness either.  Sometimes the greatest looking ones are the dorkiest ones.

On the flip side, generally firefighters are the sweetest guys I have met (to females, guests, and children anyway.)  And if you go to their station on a slow day, they will gladly entertain you until it is chow time or they get a call.

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Weigh In Wednesday

Planned Workout: Aqua Jog
Actual Workout: Nothing

Sickness has fallen upon us.  Well, me mostly.  Little Miss is sick, again, but it is her typical cold and up all night coughing type sickness.  Mine started out flu-like for about 24ish hours, then turned into a more cold-like direction.  I camped on the couch all day yesterday.  Today I didn't do too much, until I had to go to work anyway.  Getting up and moving around made me feel a little better.  But I am still really congested and coughing.

I wanted to run this week.  To run and push myself to run farther.  I have been reading up on other runner's blogs and trying to do some research on running.  In the past,  I have attempted weight loss and healthier lifestyle and quit after six months or so every time.  This time feels different, then I hit little speed bumps like getting sick.  So am I going to get all "ho hum, woa is me" and give up again? Nope... gonna try something different:

Formulate a Plan.

I plan on getting at least a walk in tomorrow.  If I feel like it, a run.  I plan on going to Aqua Jog on Friday.  And I plan on making up a run this weekend.  Next week, I plan on being back in the swing of things. time of truth...weigh in for this week..ugh:


Yeah, so I gained a little.  I am hoping this is just a reaction to being sick.  I hope.   

Sunday, April 22, 2012

March of Dimes....A Recap

March of Dimes 5K 2012

It was cold. 45 degrees.  For the last mile, it sprinkled.  Cold and damp. Our team was a decent size.  Mostly family, some friends.  Avery's physical therapist and her family even walked.  We started out together, but ended up spread way out by the end.

This was our team name. My shirt said Auntie Em on the sleeve.

 This is Mr. Avery.  He was born at 23 weeks.  He will be 1 in May.  He is the reason my sister started a team and the cutest little nephew ever!

     Little Miss and her cousin painted rocks before the walk.

Little Miss walked with grandpa until mile 2.  Then I sent her walking to other direction with her aunt and uncle.  She was getting tired.  She walked about 2.75 miles.

After the walk, they had hot dogs, chips, bananas, and water.  We also got little goodie bags.  They had Michigan magnets and notebooks in them (did I mention we were at an OSU campus?), trail mix, and some stuff for kids. I enjoyed having coffee to warm up to.  I am not big on hot dogs, but mine was pretty good.

Even though it was cold and rainy and I walked at a very slow pace for me (nope, didn't keep time either), it was a good time.  I already asked my sister if she was going to do this next year.  She said yes and she was going to start fund raising sooner.
 Our team raised $952 this year.  Not bad for a first time team that started late.

Saturday, April 21, 2012

Days Go By

Planned Workout: Aqua Jog
Actual Workout: Aqua Jog

Today was, well a buzz.  Meaning that I really didn't much sitting down until work.  Even then I was pretty busy.  Aqua Jog was more of a workout today.  I upped my weights. That helped. And the instructor made it a little harder.

I have March of Dimes tomorrow.  I promise to do a recap.  And I am going Dent and Ding shopping with my mom and sister. Yay! 

I feel like time is going so quickly.  We only have 225 days until our cruise (my initial motivation for getting healthier).  Little Miss only has 5 weeks of school left.  This year marks my 3rd annul 29th birthday.  There are so many things I wanted to do this year.  There are things I haven't even begun.  Time is not on my side at the moment.  Anyone else feel that way?

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Weigh in Wednesday

Planned Workout: Aqua Jog
Actual Workout: Aqua Jog

Today was the first day I took Aqua Jog.  I had forgotten that it was a Monday, Wednesday, Friday class until about 9am on Monday.  It started at 930.  For anyone who knows me (or Little Miss), you know it is impossible to get us out the door and there in a half an hour.  We got there at 940.  I walked on the treadmill instead. 

Anyway, I went today.

Ok, it was only a little like that.  I am the youngest in the class.  The next youngest women have kids a few years younger than me.  But we used real weights.

It was more like this:

And this:

My biggest obstacle?

We had to swim on our backs with flippers on.  I can survive in water, but I am not a strong swimmer.  My form was horrible.  I am thinking about dragging hubby to the pool during open lap time and practicing my lap swimming.  If I can find the time (?!)

Overall, it can be a good cross training for me.  But I will have to keep running.  And do boot camp.

And now what you all have been waiting for (and I have been dreading):


That's right.  I have gained weight.  Laziness will do that to a person.  I am hoping to rebound quick in the next couple of weeks.  I have a lot going on. Fitness wise, that is :)

Saturday, April 14, 2012

Bad to the Bone...or Muscle

Planned Workout: Bootcamp
Actual Workout: Nothing

I have been bad to myself this week.. Eating a lot of Easter junk food, not exercising regularly, and ignoring an injury.  That's right, total mal-functional week.

I felt a twinge and some pain in the muscle above and on the side of my knee on Wednesday.  "Hmmm" I thought, and though the pain was fast enough and hurt enough to make me stop when it happened, I started walking again, then running.  I ignored the pain. For the rest of the day.

Thursday, I only noticed it when I was walking, so I didn't walk much.  I didn't workout, either.
Friday, I started to run, but it hurt so I walked.  Walking made it hurt less.  Today my daughter and I lounged in bed until 11am.  Lazy, I know.  But breakfast in bed and cartoons were fun.  And my knee doesn't hurt at all today.

I have got to get ride of the candy junk in my house.  Little Miss is really great at sharing.  Too great.  And chocolate is my vice.  I haven't weighed my self since weigh in Wednesday, and quite frankly I'm afraid to.

Happy Dispatcher Week!

Planned workout: none
Actual Workout: 20 sit ups and some planking

For those of you who do not know, it's National Public Safety Telecommunicator's Week.  Actually, today is the last day.  It ends in a mere five hours.
For me, this year, it doesn't mean much.  Last year, my hubby took me on a cruise for NPSTW.  The year before that I was at another agency that made the week special.  What I will do this year, however, is reflect on a day in the life of a Dispatcher:

Acronyms, Acronyms, Acronyms!
Almost everything we write and say is a code,signal,or acronym.  This is an actual conversation I could have:

"Can you run a DS in LEADS and look in CAD to see if we have a 19 number for that person?"
"If so, advise them I will be enroute to 17 his 43.  ETA 20 minutes."
"Clear sir, will this need an OHLEG?"
"Clear, 17:52"

Yup, that's how I talk 8 hours a day. Sometimes it's fun, other times it's exhausting.

Then there are the calls, Oh yes the calls!  My favorite are the callers that start with "I just have a quick question"  Those typically take 20 to 30 minutes.  My least favorite are the tragic calls.  I have taken calls from wives who husbands have just died after a long battle with illness.  I have taken calls from people who never make it to the hospital.  I have taken calls from families at their worst moments and behaviors. 

On the flip side, I have taken reports that there are people in are bars drinking (Yep, pretty sure I knew that), a report of getting short changed at a fast food place, a roommate borrowed an article of clothing with out permission, a theft of hair (extensions), a cat stuck in a sewer drain, and UFOs.  By the way, city people, small (usually colorful) planes flying low to the ground over fields are NOT crashing.  It is called crop dusting.  They do this to the fields near highways too.  I'm pretty sure there are few calls left that could surprise me.

Also, I know random things, like what time bars I would never set foot in close.  And that Ronald McDonald has a warrant in the state of Ohio.  And who's cows live near what roads.   You know, important information like that.

Dispatchers are a special brand of people with a very, very thankless job.  So, the next time you call a local agency to report something, or even just to find some arbitrary information that no one else will know, thank the person who answered the phone.  Sometimes stuff like that gets us through the day.

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Weigh in Wednesday

Planned Workout: 2 mile run/walk
Actual Workout: 3k run/walk and arm circuit

I don't know why, but I felt the need to make a record for myself today.  I was going to do my usual, then I went looking through the history on my little tracker.  The fastest 3k I had on record was around 25 minutes.  The personal best for 2 miles was 24:25.  I knew my 3k record could be beat.  So I warmed up and took off.

Here is a list of my stats as of now:
  • Total Workouts for 2012: 44
  • Total Run Distance 2012: 71.38 miles
  • Total Time: 18 hours
  • Total Calories: 8227
  • Total Non-run Steps: 1282
  • Farthest distance in one run: 3.30 miles
  • Best 1k: 7:00
  • Best 3k: 23:07 (as of today)
  • Best 1 mile: 11:40
  • Best 2 miles: 24:45

Well, it is Wednesday so time for my weigh in:


Not sure how I lost weight this week honestly, but I'm not going to complain about it. 

But I am going to show you what I made for lunch: BBQ chicken toasties (they were yummy!)  All I did was put some chicken in the crock pot with BBQ sauce yesterday.  Today, I got these little slices of bread (whole wheat), put some BBQ chicken on them and sprinkled them with a little 2% cheese.  Then I baked them in the oven for about 10 minutes on 300 degrees. 


Easter...a recap

Weekend Workouts: Ran/walk 20 minutes, nothing else

I gave myself a break this weekend.  Not that I needed one or deserved one, I just took one.  Sometimes its nice just to break away from routine and refocus and reflect. So, this is what I did on my weekend:

Little Miss all ready for church

 She had adorable white gloves with pink bows on.  I started to take her picture and she started crying and told me she didn't want to go to church.  When I asked her why she told me she didn't like her gloves. She took off the gloves, put them in her purse, and was all smiles the rest of the day.

What the Easter bunny brought.

Getting silly with the good stuff in the basket.

Egg Hunt

In Little Miss's basket was a kite.  It was a beautiful evening Sunday and she had a lot of sugar to run off, so we went to the "park" and she flew (well, Mommy and Daddy did most of the flying) her kite.  She did a lot of running around and trying to catch the tail.  She also enjoyed crashing her kite, over and over.


She found the bench for the soccer field and thought it made a perfect balance beam.


I  know I said I took a break on my weekend, but even with a break I still ran Monday.  This is my last week to get three runs in before I start my crazy schedule.  Little Miss and I spent the rest of the day playing and watched a movie before I took her swimming in the evening.  It really was a great weekend.

What about you? Did you have a great weekend?

Saturday, April 7, 2012

Eating, Clothes, and Other Stuff *Updated 4/7/2012*

Planned Workout: 2 mile run interval (1.5 miles run, .5 walk)
Actual Workout: 2 mile run interval (1 mile run, 1 mile walk)

Today was not a "push myself" day.  I don't know why, just wasn't.  But tomorrow is another day, and I at least showed up for the game today.

And now its time for........ 

Hunger Pains

Food Journaling for the Not-So-Prepared

I started a food journal three days ago here. 
Everyday but the first day it has said this:

If every day were like today...   You'd weigh 182.2 lbs in 5 weeks

*Based on your total calories consumed for today, you are eating too few calories. Not only is it difficult to receive adequate nutrition at these calorie levels, but you could also be putting your body into starvation mode. Starvation mode lowers your metabolism and makes weight loss more difficult. We suggest increasing your calorie consumption to 1,200 calories per day minimum.


Too few calories?  I eat, let me tell you I do.  I eat toast with cream cheese and sugar free jam in the morning.  I eat baked chicken nuggets with Little Miss.  I even ate an ice cream sandwich today.  While I was still at work I had an extra snack because I knew that the final result for the day would be this.  I wasn't even hungry.
This first day I was full a lot.  I felt too full at times.  I was 157 over my calories, but dang!  I ate french fries (something that RARELY happens). 
My question is: Should I really bump up the calories (my calories for today was 1,123) even though I'm not hungry? 

Clothes Dillema

According to myfitnesspal, I have lost 23 pounds since I signed up a year ago.  WooHoo! As exciting as that is, losing weight leaves me with a dillema.  It's one I'm happy to have, but it is still a dillema.  My clothes are getting too big.  Of course, like most women I have "fat clothes" and "skinny"  "less fat" (in my case) clothes.  23 pounds on a 4'11" woman is a couple of sizes.  My "fat clothes" absolutly do not fit, and my few "less fat" clothes are getting a little baggy.  The only thing that still fits are my workout clothes (thank you hubby for under estimating my size.  I <3 you! )  

Aside from workout clothes, this is what I have left:
  • 1 pair of jeans
  • a few concert tees that never fit me before (concert tees run 2 sizes smaller than the rest of the world)
  • 2 pair of work slacks (one pair will be out in about 5 more pounds)
  • My work shirts (for now, they work)
  • One hoodie
  • a pair of jean capris
  • 2 sundresses (its still too cold for those in Ohio)
  • My free tee I just got from my gym
So what's the dillema? Buying new clothes.  I am Cheapy Mccheapster, so I had already decided that I didn't want to waste money on new clothes and would go to a resale shop.  But even buying used clothes that I know I will have to replace in a couple of months makes me go "grrrr".  Don't get me wrong, once I am to my goal weight I will go out and get clothes that fit, I will consider it a long term investment.  (Not to mention a great reason to maintain my weight.) Plus, my favorite stores always have tons of stuff size 2-8 on clearance (hopefully my size will be somewhere in that range).  For now, I think I will remain Baggy Mcbaggster, at least for another 5-10 pounds.  The I will let my sisters drag me to the store and get some clothes that fit.


Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Weigh in Wednesday

Planned Workout: Arms, Abs, and Leg
Actual Workout: Arms, Legs

Today is the day... to see if I made it to my 190 goal.... I didn't waste time this morning getting on the scale.
The results?


Ok, so it wasn't my goal.  At least I didn't gain weight.  I think its time for me to re-evaluate my food choices.  I am going to have to start a food journal.  I have been trying to avoid that, but I don't think I can anymore.

Of All The Things I've Lost

Things I have lost in the last 24 hours:

  • My debit card (I found it)
  • A contact (did not find that)
  • One of the little rubber things off of my ear buds (still looking)
  •  The grocery list I started
  • My favorite purple tweezers (still lost)
  • A pair of my workout capris ( I bet if I folded the rest of the laundry I could find them)
  • A picture I wanted to put on my blog
  • Sleep (Hubby's alarm went off at 4:45am!!! He was already at work.)
  • Time (ok, more like wasted it looking for all this stuff)
  • My patience
How do I lose all these things?  I never completely know. It just happens.  Mostly I think I just get distracted in the middle of something.  Then I waste valuable time looking for stuff, or I end up doing without.  I know I am not the most organized all the time (mostly since the kid), but sometimes I just throw up my arms and go "Seriously?! Seriously?!"

So what have you lost lately?

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

My Second Home

Planned Workout: 2 mile run/walk with running being .75 intervals
Actual Workout : 2 mile run/walk with running being .75 intervals

That's right.  I did what I was supposed to today.  And I "ran" my fastest mile yet.  11.44.  Usually, this is a rest or cross train day, but I didn't run yesterday and didn't do anything Sunday, so I needed the run.  Plus, me schedule is about to change.....

Why is my schedule changing?  Two words: Free Class

Our gym membership auto-renews every year.  They send us our new cards in the mail.  This year they sent us coupons, too.  I got a free Tee (size L, thank you very XL for me anymore!)  There was also a coupon for a free session of a water class.  I signed up for Aqua Jog (it said it was intense).  It is 3 days/week, plus my boot camp on Saturdays, plus I have to take Little Miss to her classes on Tuesday/Thursday (making these my run days).  Whew! Just typing all that made me tired!

So, you guessed it, Sunday is my rest day, and the gym will be my second home.  I hope I do ok on only one rest day, but I need to kick it up.  And I get bored easily.  When I get bored, I get lazy.  When, I get lazy, I start sleeping in instead of going to the gym.  When I stop going to the gym, I get fat.  Oh Lord, I sound like a Direct TV commercial!

The other"new" thing in my life?  My sister and I are signing up for a 5K.  In June.  I want to be able to run the whole thing. I hope she will be able to run the whole thing too.  Mostly, I want it to be fun.  There is even a run Little Miss can participate in.

Monday, April 2, 2012


Planned Workout: Boot Camp
Actual Workout: Boot Camp  Today's Line up: Abs at 50 count per exercise, lunges, calf raises, jumping rope, step ups, push ups (I still do the girl kind), karaoke suicide, and lap running (well, this was most of what I did)

All this and went to work too! I am BEAT!

Now for an introduction to one of my favorite topics: Little Miss

She is 3 going on 13, and all kinds of sassy cuteness.  She has 2 regular imaginary friends and creates others as needed.  Sam is her BIF (Best Imaginary Friend) and is between the ages of 3 and 6 (depends on the day), she is from Mexico, loves broccoli, and her favorite color is tan.  Though Sam has a mommy and daddy, she mostly lives with us.  And she is an ornery little friend.  Several times I have had to put Sam in the corner for not listening.  My husband and I have both had to yell at Sam to get off the street.  It is probably a good thing we have understanding neighbors.

Little Miss went to boot camp with me on Saturday.  It wasn't planned that way, but it happened.  She was really good.  Toward the end she even ran two laps and stretched out with me.  It was fun.  She herself is in swimming and a gym class on Tuesdays and Thursdays.

Saturday, March 31, 2012

5k and The Bread Lady

Planned Workout: 2 miles run/walk half mile intervals
Actual Workout: DRUM ROLL PLEEAASSEE................................ 5k run/walk

I ran a whole mile at once!  Then I walked for a half mile, than ran some more.  The last part of it was more run/walk for short spurts as I fought with myself to keep going.
Ok, so I have ran a whole mile before (right before) I started this blog, but as soon as that mile hit I stopped.  And I'm pretty sure I had an out of body experience.  Or I almost died.  Something like that.

This time was different. This time I ran a mile, ran a little more (like one 20th), then walked until I was ready to run again.  Then ran again.  Sometimes even faster!
It was a good workout day for me :)
My Stats:
Distance: 5k
Time: 42:03
Average Pace: 13.54
I realize that to committed runners, this is really just a fast walk.  But to non-athletic, never-ran-a-day-in-my-life, 4'11" me, this is a feat.  And it's a starting point.


There is this really sweet old lady who bakes bread.  She bakes a lot of bread, all different kinds.  She also drops it off to us (where I work) or has an officer stop by and pick it up.  Not just a loaf or two.  More like seven or eight.  Usually she does this once a month.  All different types of fruit breads.  This bread MUST be enjoyed by everyone at the office.  It also has to be eaten a certain way- warmed up with either tea or hot chocolate.  (Yes, even in warm weather, it is always freezing in the office.) 

So I went to work tonight, and the bread lady had delivered.  Hmm... I had some hot chocolate in my drawer.  I had packed a nice little recovery supper of chicken, green beans, and sweet potatoes.  *Thank you hubby*  I had a yogurt as a snack.  At 21:30ish (that's 9:30pm for those of you who do not speak/read military time), I decide to forgo the yogurt and have pumpkin bread with hot chocolate.  Remember that 5 pounds by Easter? Yeah, I forgot too.

It was delicious, but now that I am getting ready for bed and thinking about setting my alarm clock for boot camp in the morning, I am telling myself  "I hope you get your a$$ kicked tomorrow, you deserve it!"  Sometimes I am my own worst enemy.

Thursday, March 29, 2012

Not Feeling It Today

Planned workout: Arm Circuit, Abs
Actual Workout: Arm Circuit

I just wasn't feeling it today.  I was all pumped when I got up this morning.  Got to the gym (finally), and I suddenly felt weighed down. I don't know.  I pushed through an arm workout, then went upstair to wait on Little Miss.  They were getting drinks and discussing a game of duck, duck, goose.  Hubby and I ended up playing with the kids.  Running around the circle made me dizzy. 

Now I am delaying the inevitable - going to work.  Don't get me wrong.  I love dispatching.  Ok, I love it sometimes.  But I have felt weighed down at work too. We have been super busy, and I work by myself.  I run the radio for all LE in the county, and about a dozen other things.  Basically, I do what 5 people do in the counties just south of me do.  By myself.  And I am supposed to do it in the same speed and accuracy as they do.  Which leads me to my next fear- burnout- (gasp!!) I am only in my fourth year doing this, but I have accomplished a lot in 4 years professionally speaking.  And I am not where I want to be ( I am working on it though.)  I know if I work a little more, push a little harder, and get a few more *sparkles* for my resume I could be where I want.  I just hope I don't get completly burned out before I get there. 


On Sunday, a friend and I took our little ones to a really great place...

The Little Buckeye Children's Museum

My Little Miss especially loved the grocery store, hair salon, and stage.  She is such a girly girl.
If you are in the Mansfield area, have an extra six bucks (per person), and a whole day with nothing to do...go there! It is awesome!

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Weigh In Wednesday

Planned Workout: Run 1/2 mile, walk 1/2 mile for 2 miles
Actual Workout: Run 1/2 mile, walk 1/4 mile, run 1/4 mile, walk 1/4 mile, run 1/4 mile, walk 1/2 mile

Yeah, toady's run was different. I ran on the track again.  For some reason that seems to make running harder.  And I seem to have trouble controlling my breathing (is that tempo?) If anyone out there has any suggestions about how I can get that down, PLEASE let me know.  I would be thrilled. 

I am supposed to be up to running 3/4 a mile, walking 1/4 a mile....but I can't seem to do it.  I am going to make myself do it next week.  I need something to push me because, once again, my weight has plateaued.

Speaking of weight......

I am at 194.1

Maybe it was that I skipped swimming on Sunday and went out for lunch (and dinner).  Maybe it is because I skipped boot camp to stay home with a sick little girl Saturday.  Maybe my body has gotten used to my workout routine and it is time to shake it up. 

I wanted to be at 190 by Easter.... I guess that is possible...its only 4 pounds, but that's in a week and a half.  Hmmm...possible, but is it healthy?

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

My new favorites

Ok, so I started this blog a month ago.  Since then I have lost about 7 pounds.  Yay! Not my goal exactly, but it's a start.
Anyway, in the last month I have found new favorite pants.  Stretchy capris.  It got warm here and was way to hot to run in sweats. And I tried running in my sweats yesterday. Yeah, I feel like they weigh me down. 
Now for the fun part of today: I am posting an updated pic!
Please don't mind the crazy hair... or the fact that the pic is sideways...i'm trying to work on that..and no this is not my fave tank.  This is my first day wearing it actually... and it rides up while I'm trying to work out.

Saturday, March 24, 2012

I Should Be Sleeping....and other stuff

Planned workout: Rest Day  I sooo rested....

Ok, So I should be sleeping.  But I have this sinus issue thing going on.  So I am up drinking tea and waiting on my meds to hit.  My 8am Boot Camp will come too early.

What do I do while my nose is running and my throat is sore? I write lists. (Well, I do now.)

Presenting My Bucket List: 10 Things I want to do before I die

10) Run a 10k, just for fun
9) Meet someone famous
8) Take a hot air balloon ride
7) Be known in my neighborhood as "there goes that runner girl again"
6) Embarrass my daughter profusely when she starts dating. ( I think this is more of a parental right)
5) Go rock climbing
4) Learn a foreign language (better than I did in high school or college)
3) Pass on to my daughter all the stories my grandma told me about her life.
2) Write a book
1) Take a road trip with my family (The kind you don't plan)

Ok, so that's what I would like to do; now onto what I am doing this summer:
                           Teaching my daughter how to read.

Yep, that's right.  Before the eye rolling or judging my parenting begins, there are a couple reasons I am doing this over this summer.

1) A six year old told my daughter she couldn't read.  She was devastated. So every day now she asks me if she knows how to read yet.  Its breaking my heart.

2) She is ready.  She knows the alphabet and sounds.  She can already spell (and write) simple words (mom, dad, her name, dog, mamaw, papaw, her cousin's name) She can rhyme.  She understands you read left to right.

3) I was an early reader.  I am still an avid reader. 

4) No, I do not think she is a genius.  I think she is a normal, everyday kid who happens to be good with words.  Good for her. 

5) I have a degree in education, language arts and science education to be exact.

Thursday, March 22, 2012

The Shrinking Woman

Planned workout: Arm and leg circuit
Actual Workout: A little arm work and 1 mile run
Thats right... I ran a mile.
I started lifting and my arms still hurt from the other day, so I thought I would walk on the treadmill.  Then I thought... oh I can run...just until I get tired... see how long I can go.  So then I ran a mile. Yay!
BUT...that's not what my title is about.... The other day I was working out and this really nice (and really fit) lady came up to me and told me I was looking good... called me amazing shrinking woman and told me keep up good work. THANK YOU! That totally made my day.

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Weigh in Wednesday

Planned workout: Run/walk 1/2 mile intervals
Actual workout: Run/walk 1/2 intervals and did some ab work

I did something different  today: I ran OUTSIDE!  On the track at the local high school.  It was, umm, different.  And more challenging.  I know that two full laps is 1/2 a mile but my little headphone marked my half a mile a little less than that. Hmmm..... So I think I need to recalibrate it or something.  Then I headed back into the gym and did some ab work.
Now, Wednesday weight in:
Six pounds since I started running! Awesome.

Sunday, March 18, 2012

I am Horrible at this!

Horrible at this blog thing, not necessarily the weight loss thing.....Anyway.......

I am supposed to be writing a grocery list and getting coupons in tow so when hubby comes home we can go to that W mart place.   I am not a fan of the mart..just fyi.  Instead, I thought "Why not catch up on my blog? I started it to hold myself accountable, didn't I?" 

Ok, so let me evaluate the reasons I am having a hard time with this blogging thing:
1) We only have one computer.  It is a laptop and hubby takes it to work with him for 24 hours every third day.

2) I have a three year old - 'nuff said. (For anyone who doesn't know, that means I have already left the computer 10 times since I started this entry to get her a drink of water, blow her nose, help her potty, kiss her stuffed friend's boo boo, kiss her boo boo, and look at five different chalk drawings of mommy as an alien, fish, lady bug, spider, and princess. As I write this, I am also trying to cure Dora's hiccups. Awesome.)

3) I sometimes just really can't think of anything to write.

4) I'm lazy.  On days that hubby is at work and daughter has preschool I have 45 minutes of alone time, not counting time to get ready for work.  I could write it then, but I usually decide to watch something on TV instead.  This week I learned that the "werewolf" killings in the 1700s in France were probably a guy and his hyena. Thank you History Channel.

5) I never like what I write.  I have several drafts on my phone I never published.  And I never rewrote them, so nothing got published.

Ok, on to more important things, FINALLY.

Today is a rest day.  Yesterday was Boot Camp.  I am still sore.

Things I Have Been Up To:

I am walking with Team Avery Aeric for March of Dimes in April.  Avery is my little nephew that was born at 23 weeks weighing a little over 1 pound.  My sister started this team for North Central Ohio and I absolutely told her I would be a team member.  Please, everyone, if you can support the March of Dimes in any way, do so. 

I have found 2 5Ks to sign up for. One in May and one in June.  I hope to run the one in June.

And to keep with that I have found really great training programs.  Right now I am doing "How to run 2 miles".  After that, I have found a "How to train for a 5K"

I have also been researching eating for running and healthy recipes.  I am actually going to look up a recipe for Hummus after finished with this. Mmmmm.

And now, at last: Weigh in Wednesday (Sunday edition):

196 pounds

That's right. 4 pounds since I started. Not bad.  I wanted nice, gradual weight loss. And I'm getting it.  What I haven't divulged before is that in December, I actually weighed 213 pounds.  I realized how big (pun intended) of an issues my weight had become and started walking.  I didn't start running until a week before I started this blog.  I know that most people have big weight loss for the first two weeks of a new program, then it tapers off.  My big weight loss started before I began running. 

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Weigh In Wednesday

Well.... I weigh 199.2 Lbs....
I didn't plan a workout today and didn't do one either.  I just wasn't feeling it.  And feeling a little tired and swollen.  My hands keep swelling.  I have no idea why. But they hurt too.  So...I took today and played Barbies with my daughter and thought about my garden.  So today is not a total loss.  Everyone needs a rest right?

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Healthy Weekend

Planned Workout: Sunday- Swimming with the kid  Monday: Intervals and Legs  Tuesday- No Plan

Actual Workour:  Sunday- Swimming with the kid  Monday: Intervals, legs,arms, and a little ab work  Tuesaday- Ran (intervalish) a 3k in a liitle over 25 minutes

So I did good this weekend.  Well, except Sunday I went to my sisters for our almost weekly family meal get-togethers.  Chicken, stuffing, salad, mashed potatoes, gravy, corn, cheese bread, and pudding for dessert.  Yeah, no eating healthy at that meal. 

Overall, it was a healthy weekend.  now off to work.   Ah Monday.... I hate Monday.

Saturday, March 3, 2012

Strong Saturday

So on Saturdays I go to my gym for a Boot Camp class.  My hubby signed us up in January.  The caption in the little news letter said it was for any fitness level.  Any.  What it should have said is that it will kick your a$$.  Not just mine, but even they guy who can bench press his weight easily.  Today's workout contained Burpies, Suicides, lunges of all types, crunches, squats, running the stairs, push ups, and things I don't know even know if they have names.  An hour of this.  Good thing our instructor is cool. And fit.  She teaches a spin class right before our class.  Did I mention she is also almost six months pregnant? WOW is all I can say. 

After the first class I hurt every time I moved.  I at least have moved past that am just generally sore afterwards. Yay!  And next week? I think I am going to move up from 8 pound weights to 10 pound weights. 

Ok, on to non workout randomness:


I have been drinking a cup of this with honey every night when I get home, sometimes even in bed.  Yum!


Club 911

This has all kinds of awesome dispatcher  gear.  I want the "I tell cops where to go" Tee!
I learned about this website at a CTO training I went to in February.


This is by Danskin Now.  I have it in a royal blue and black.  I usually wear oversized Tees to workout in because I feel so self conscious.  Plus, I hate my arms.  But I scored one of these on clearance, and with a little encouragement from Hubby I got it and wear it to work out.  I feel so much better that I did in a soaking wet tee at the end of a workout.

Anyone else out there finding some new faves?