Monday, April 2, 2012


Planned Workout: Boot Camp
Actual Workout: Boot Camp  Today's Line up: Abs at 50 count per exercise, lunges, calf raises, jumping rope, step ups, push ups (I still do the girl kind), karaoke suicide, and lap running (well, this was most of what I did)

All this and went to work too! I am BEAT!

Now for an introduction to one of my favorite topics: Little Miss

She is 3 going on 13, and all kinds of sassy cuteness.  She has 2 regular imaginary friends and creates others as needed.  Sam is her BIF (Best Imaginary Friend) and is between the ages of 3 and 6 (depends on the day), she is from Mexico, loves broccoli, and her favorite color is tan.  Though Sam has a mommy and daddy, she mostly lives with us.  And she is an ornery little friend.  Several times I have had to put Sam in the corner for not listening.  My husband and I have both had to yell at Sam to get off the street.  It is probably a good thing we have understanding neighbors.

Little Miss went to boot camp with me on Saturday.  It wasn't planned that way, but it happened.  She was really good.  Toward the end she even ran two laps and stretched out with me.  It was fun.  She herself is in swimming and a gym class on Tuesdays and Thursdays.


  1. I really wish I could do this boot camp class. One day I will be able to get into the Y.

  2. I bet they would let you in...your not THAT badly behaved (lol). If you go the 14th with me it would only cost $5.
