Saturday, March 31, 2012

5k and The Bread Lady

Planned Workout: 2 miles run/walk half mile intervals
Actual Workout: DRUM ROLL PLEEAASSEE................................ 5k run/walk

I ran a whole mile at once!  Then I walked for a half mile, than ran some more.  The last part of it was more run/walk for short spurts as I fought with myself to keep going.
Ok, so I have ran a whole mile before (right before) I started this blog, but as soon as that mile hit I stopped.  And I'm pretty sure I had an out of body experience.  Or I almost died.  Something like that.

This time was different. This time I ran a mile, ran a little more (like one 20th), then walked until I was ready to run again.  Then ran again.  Sometimes even faster!
It was a good workout day for me :)
My Stats:
Distance: 5k
Time: 42:03
Average Pace: 13.54
I realize that to committed runners, this is really just a fast walk.  But to non-athletic, never-ran-a-day-in-my-life, 4'11" me, this is a feat.  And it's a starting point.


There is this really sweet old lady who bakes bread.  She bakes a lot of bread, all different kinds.  She also drops it off to us (where I work) or has an officer stop by and pick it up.  Not just a loaf or two.  More like seven or eight.  Usually she does this once a month.  All different types of fruit breads.  This bread MUST be enjoyed by everyone at the office.  It also has to be eaten a certain way- warmed up with either tea or hot chocolate.  (Yes, even in warm weather, it is always freezing in the office.) 

So I went to work tonight, and the bread lady had delivered.  Hmm... I had some hot chocolate in my drawer.  I had packed a nice little recovery supper of chicken, green beans, and sweet potatoes.  *Thank you hubby*  I had a yogurt as a snack.  At 21:30ish (that's 9:30pm for those of you who do not speak/read military time), I decide to forgo the yogurt and have pumpkin bread with hot chocolate.  Remember that 5 pounds by Easter? Yeah, I forgot too.

It was delicious, but now that I am getting ready for bed and thinking about setting my alarm clock for boot camp in the morning, I am telling myself  "I hope you get your a$$ kicked tomorrow, you deserve it!"  Sometimes I am my own worst enemy.

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