Thursday, May 24, 2012

Weigh In Wednesday

Planned Workout: Aqua Jog
Actual Workout: Aqua Jog

It is the week of decisions.  I need to decide if I want to sign up for another session of my aqua jog class.  Yes, I will have to pay for the next session, but I do like it.

Liking it is not the problem.  I love the class.  The problem is all these other questions I have about the class:

  1. Can we afford it? We are on a tight budget right now and the class is almost $30.
  2. Is it working? I feel tired and exercised after class, but I'm not sure I am seeing the results I expected.
  3. Can I keep up this schedule and fit in more runs?
  4. What about the fact that I want to swim on free lap time (a totally free activity) now that Little Miss is out of school?
  5. What about other classes I have been thinking of trying?
Running is the biggest one.  Sunday I got up and ran to my sister's house (a little over a mile).  And ever since I have fallen in love with it.

Ok, weight time:


Well, I'll take it.

Saturday, May 19, 2012

What a week!

Planned Workout: Nothing
Actual Workout: Nothing

This week I have been in a funk.  I almost drown myself twice in my swim class.  And I only ran 2.5 miles total this week. I haven't logged on to, I ate fast food ( I know, I KNOW!), I skipped my water class totally on Monday.

Despite all this, somehow, I managed to lose weight.  I have no idea how.  None. 

On Wednesday I was really beginning to question whether I am setting my goals too high, whether I will be able to actually RUN an entire 5k in June, whether I will actually get any further in this journey.  It was depressing.  I honestly think that if Friday's weight would have been higher than the week before, I would have stopped trying.

What makes you feel better when you are in a funk?

Friday, May 18, 2012

Weigh in Wednesday

Planned Workout:Aqua Jog
Actual Workout: Aqua Jog (and a little more)

Yes, I know it is Friday and I am just now weighing myself. I had a bad week and it just had to wait. The results? 186.1 This week, I'll take it!

Thursday, May 10, 2012

WooT WooT!

Planned Workout: 3 mile run/walk interval
Actual Workout: 3 mile run/walk interval

That's right.  I did it.  I got myself up to 3 miles.  Granted, I walked probably a little under a mile of it.  But I did it.  There were some distractions and I think I could have pushed myself harder, but I enjoyed my 3 miles (after the fact,of course.) 
I compared my workout today to one I had in January with about the same time.  In about 40 minutes today I went 3.03 miles.  In about 40 minutes in January I went 1.79.  

I think a good run deserves a celebration.  So after work today I am going to go save some serious cash at the grocery store.  (Yeah, so I celebrate weird.  Whatever.)

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Weigh in Wednesday

Planned Workout: Aqua Jog
Actual Workout: Aqua Jog and 30 minute interval run

I did it! I broke 190!
My current weight:
I even took a picture, see?


And yes, I realize it is upside down.


I had a bad day yesterday. Not just a bad run day. All day. It has been a long time since I have had a completely bad day.
I tried perking myself up several times with many different things:

Bubble Gum lotion didn't help.
Neither did 2 cups of coffee.

Even goofing off and singing to the radio with Little Miss didn't help.

So I was happy just to start a new day this morning.Aqua Jog was good, not great, but a good workout.
Afterwards is where I redeemed myself for yesterday. I ran/walked for 30 minutes. I probably only ran a little over a mile of it, but i pushed myself more than yesterday and did better..even after a 45 minute water workout. I consider that redemption.

Monday, May 7, 2012

Regrets.Concens, and Swimsuits

Planned Workout: Aqua Jog
Actual Workout: Aqua Jog

There are Regrets:
    I shouldn't have weighed myself yesterday.  It wasn't a weigh in day.  I shouldn't have eaten cookies and brownies yesterday. Aaannddd..... I shouldn't have been drying my swimsuit in the dryer all this time.

Then there are Concerns:
      I am having a yard sale at the end of the month.  I am going through all of my clothes and I really want to get rid of everything too big for me.  I think this concerns my hubby.  He is afraid I won't have any clothes left.

Then there's this:


My New (to me) Swimsuit

It is 2 sizes smaller than my old one, and made out of a better material.  It cost $4.  It fits pretty well, with room to lose weight.
I am hoping it will be a good investment.  In June I want to start swimming laps.  And I am talking up this class to hubby in hopes that we can budget it in for the next session. ( If you haven't figured it out yet, we didn't budget in boot camp this time, and I miss that class.)

Saturday, May 5, 2012

Kicked Out

Rest Day

On Thursday, I officially got kicked out of the "Fat Girls Club."  One of it's (self-described, mind you) members pulled me into her area of the office to show her boss how much thinner I looked.  She jokingly told me to turn in my ID.  We talked and joked for a few; I thanked both of them for the compliments and went on my way to work.(Small things like that really help me reaffirm my progress and realize that though I still have very far to go, I have come far as well.) 

As nice as it was to get compliments, I am starting to feel in a scary place. 

No, not that kind of scary.

Yeah, more like that.

I am more and more not fitting into a group, if you will.  Not that I really think anyone is talking about me (and if they are they probably were 20 pounds ago.)  Its more of a no place to go.  Sure, my friends still talk to me and whatnot, but I feel that unless directly asked, I really can't talk about what I'm up to.  I recently told a lifetime friend that I had taken up running.  I don't think she really knew what to say, so I made it a joke: "I must have fallen and hit  my head or something, because you know I have never been athletic."

On the flip side of things, I do not fit in with the group of girls at the gym either.  Don't get me wrong, they are nice and we say hi to each other and talk about stuff when we drop off and pick up our kids from the in-house babysitter.  And their "hanging out" is working out at the gym 5 days a week.  Which is cool, but I can't join them.  I would either slow them down or they would leave me in the dust. 

So, with every mile I run and pound I lose I get more and more into that "limbo" area.  "Limbo" gets lonely. 

So, I'll end this one with a prayer:
"Thank you God for giving me sisters and Hubby.  They are stuck with me limbo or not!"

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Weigh in Wednesday

Planned Workout: Aqua Jog
Actual Workout: Aqua Jog

I've been feeling better and it is showing in everything I do.  I have been eating better and exercising more.  Yesterday was the first day I ran/walked 2 mile in almost 2 weeks.  It felt good, but I can tell I hadn't done it in a while.  I burned out with a tenth of a mile to go on my second run and had to walk it.   But, I ran.
Today was definitely a push day in the water, too.

I am a week late on this, I know, I know, but here it is:

My Updated Pic

I am not a fan of this tank, but since it didn't fit me in January, I'm not complaining too much.  

So, what's my weight this week, you ask?


Three pounds in a week.  I am not sure how I did it, but I am glad I'm back! Maybe next week I will see a number that I haven't seen since I had my daughter: a 18# number!