Saturday, March 31, 2012

5k and The Bread Lady

Planned Workout: 2 miles run/walk half mile intervals
Actual Workout: DRUM ROLL PLEEAASSEE................................ 5k run/walk

I ran a whole mile at once!  Then I walked for a half mile, than ran some more.  The last part of it was more run/walk for short spurts as I fought with myself to keep going.
Ok, so I have ran a whole mile before (right before) I started this blog, but as soon as that mile hit I stopped.  And I'm pretty sure I had an out of body experience.  Or I almost died.  Something like that.

This time was different. This time I ran a mile, ran a little more (like one 20th), then walked until I was ready to run again.  Then ran again.  Sometimes even faster!
It was a good workout day for me :)
My Stats:
Distance: 5k
Time: 42:03
Average Pace: 13.54
I realize that to committed runners, this is really just a fast walk.  But to non-athletic, never-ran-a-day-in-my-life, 4'11" me, this is a feat.  And it's a starting point.


There is this really sweet old lady who bakes bread.  She bakes a lot of bread, all different kinds.  She also drops it off to us (where I work) or has an officer stop by and pick it up.  Not just a loaf or two.  More like seven or eight.  Usually she does this once a month.  All different types of fruit breads.  This bread MUST be enjoyed by everyone at the office.  It also has to be eaten a certain way- warmed up with either tea or hot chocolate.  (Yes, even in warm weather, it is always freezing in the office.) 

So I went to work tonight, and the bread lady had delivered.  Hmm... I had some hot chocolate in my drawer.  I had packed a nice little recovery supper of chicken, green beans, and sweet potatoes.  *Thank you hubby*  I had a yogurt as a snack.  At 21:30ish (that's 9:30pm for those of you who do not speak/read military time), I decide to forgo the yogurt and have pumpkin bread with hot chocolate.  Remember that 5 pounds by Easter? Yeah, I forgot too.

It was delicious, but now that I am getting ready for bed and thinking about setting my alarm clock for boot camp in the morning, I am telling myself  "I hope you get your a$$ kicked tomorrow, you deserve it!"  Sometimes I am my own worst enemy.

Thursday, March 29, 2012

Not Feeling It Today

Planned workout: Arm Circuit, Abs
Actual Workout: Arm Circuit

I just wasn't feeling it today.  I was all pumped when I got up this morning.  Got to the gym (finally), and I suddenly felt weighed down. I don't know.  I pushed through an arm workout, then went upstair to wait on Little Miss.  They were getting drinks and discussing a game of duck, duck, goose.  Hubby and I ended up playing with the kids.  Running around the circle made me dizzy. 

Now I am delaying the inevitable - going to work.  Don't get me wrong.  I love dispatching.  Ok, I love it sometimes.  But I have felt weighed down at work too. We have been super busy, and I work by myself.  I run the radio for all LE in the county, and about a dozen other things.  Basically, I do what 5 people do in the counties just south of me do.  By myself.  And I am supposed to do it in the same speed and accuracy as they do.  Which leads me to my next fear- burnout- (gasp!!) I am only in my fourth year doing this, but I have accomplished a lot in 4 years professionally speaking.  And I am not where I want to be ( I am working on it though.)  I know if I work a little more, push a little harder, and get a few more *sparkles* for my resume I could be where I want.  I just hope I don't get completly burned out before I get there. 


On Sunday, a friend and I took our little ones to a really great place...

The Little Buckeye Children's Museum

My Little Miss especially loved the grocery store, hair salon, and stage.  She is such a girly girl.
If you are in the Mansfield area, have an extra six bucks (per person), and a whole day with nothing to do...go there! It is awesome!

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Weigh In Wednesday

Planned Workout: Run 1/2 mile, walk 1/2 mile for 2 miles
Actual Workout: Run 1/2 mile, walk 1/4 mile, run 1/4 mile, walk 1/4 mile, run 1/4 mile, walk 1/2 mile

Yeah, toady's run was different. I ran on the track again.  For some reason that seems to make running harder.  And I seem to have trouble controlling my breathing (is that tempo?) If anyone out there has any suggestions about how I can get that down, PLEASE let me know.  I would be thrilled. 

I am supposed to be up to running 3/4 a mile, walking 1/4 a mile....but I can't seem to do it.  I am going to make myself do it next week.  I need something to push me because, once again, my weight has plateaued.

Speaking of weight......

I am at 194.1

Maybe it was that I skipped swimming on Sunday and went out for lunch (and dinner).  Maybe it is because I skipped boot camp to stay home with a sick little girl Saturday.  Maybe my body has gotten used to my workout routine and it is time to shake it up. 

I wanted to be at 190 by Easter.... I guess that is possible...its only 4 pounds, but that's in a week and a half.  Hmmm...possible, but is it healthy?

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

My new favorites

Ok, so I started this blog a month ago.  Since then I have lost about 7 pounds.  Yay! Not my goal exactly, but it's a start.
Anyway, in the last month I have found new favorite pants.  Stretchy capris.  It got warm here and was way to hot to run in sweats. And I tried running in my sweats yesterday. Yeah, I feel like they weigh me down. 
Now for the fun part of today: I am posting an updated pic!
Please don't mind the crazy hair... or the fact that the pic is sideways...i'm trying to work on that..and no this is not my fave tank.  This is my first day wearing it actually... and it rides up while I'm trying to work out.

Saturday, March 24, 2012

I Should Be Sleeping....and other stuff

Planned workout: Rest Day  I sooo rested....

Ok, So I should be sleeping.  But I have this sinus issue thing going on.  So I am up drinking tea and waiting on my meds to hit.  My 8am Boot Camp will come too early.

What do I do while my nose is running and my throat is sore? I write lists. (Well, I do now.)

Presenting My Bucket List: 10 Things I want to do before I die

10) Run a 10k, just for fun
9) Meet someone famous
8) Take a hot air balloon ride
7) Be known in my neighborhood as "there goes that runner girl again"
6) Embarrass my daughter profusely when she starts dating. ( I think this is more of a parental right)
5) Go rock climbing
4) Learn a foreign language (better than I did in high school or college)
3) Pass on to my daughter all the stories my grandma told me about her life.
2) Write a book
1) Take a road trip with my family (The kind you don't plan)

Ok, so that's what I would like to do; now onto what I am doing this summer:
                           Teaching my daughter how to read.

Yep, that's right.  Before the eye rolling or judging my parenting begins, there are a couple reasons I am doing this over this summer.

1) A six year old told my daughter she couldn't read.  She was devastated. So every day now she asks me if she knows how to read yet.  Its breaking my heart.

2) She is ready.  She knows the alphabet and sounds.  She can already spell (and write) simple words (mom, dad, her name, dog, mamaw, papaw, her cousin's name) She can rhyme.  She understands you read left to right.

3) I was an early reader.  I am still an avid reader. 

4) No, I do not think she is a genius.  I think she is a normal, everyday kid who happens to be good with words.  Good for her. 

5) I have a degree in education, language arts and science education to be exact.

Thursday, March 22, 2012

The Shrinking Woman

Planned workout: Arm and leg circuit
Actual Workout: A little arm work and 1 mile run
Thats right... I ran a mile.
I started lifting and my arms still hurt from the other day, so I thought I would walk on the treadmill.  Then I thought... oh I can run...just until I get tired... see how long I can go.  So then I ran a mile. Yay!
BUT...that's not what my title is about.... The other day I was working out and this really nice (and really fit) lady came up to me and told me I was looking good... called me amazing shrinking woman and told me keep up good work. THANK YOU! That totally made my day.

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Weigh in Wednesday

Planned workout: Run/walk 1/2 mile intervals
Actual workout: Run/walk 1/2 intervals and did some ab work

I did something different  today: I ran OUTSIDE!  On the track at the local high school.  It was, umm, different.  And more challenging.  I know that two full laps is 1/2 a mile but my little headphone marked my half a mile a little less than that. Hmmm..... So I think I need to recalibrate it or something.  Then I headed back into the gym and did some ab work.
Now, Wednesday weight in:
Six pounds since I started running! Awesome.

Sunday, March 18, 2012

I am Horrible at this!

Horrible at this blog thing, not necessarily the weight loss thing.....Anyway.......

I am supposed to be writing a grocery list and getting coupons in tow so when hubby comes home we can go to that W mart place.   I am not a fan of the mart..just fyi.  Instead, I thought "Why not catch up on my blog? I started it to hold myself accountable, didn't I?" 

Ok, so let me evaluate the reasons I am having a hard time with this blogging thing:
1) We only have one computer.  It is a laptop and hubby takes it to work with him for 24 hours every third day.

2) I have a three year old - 'nuff said. (For anyone who doesn't know, that means I have already left the computer 10 times since I started this entry to get her a drink of water, blow her nose, help her potty, kiss her stuffed friend's boo boo, kiss her boo boo, and look at five different chalk drawings of mommy as an alien, fish, lady bug, spider, and princess. As I write this, I am also trying to cure Dora's hiccups. Awesome.)

3) I sometimes just really can't think of anything to write.

4) I'm lazy.  On days that hubby is at work and daughter has preschool I have 45 minutes of alone time, not counting time to get ready for work.  I could write it then, but I usually decide to watch something on TV instead.  This week I learned that the "werewolf" killings in the 1700s in France were probably a guy and his hyena. Thank you History Channel.

5) I never like what I write.  I have several drafts on my phone I never published.  And I never rewrote them, so nothing got published.

Ok, on to more important things, FINALLY.

Today is a rest day.  Yesterday was Boot Camp.  I am still sore.

Things I Have Been Up To:

I am walking with Team Avery Aeric for March of Dimes in April.  Avery is my little nephew that was born at 23 weeks weighing a little over 1 pound.  My sister started this team for North Central Ohio and I absolutely told her I would be a team member.  Please, everyone, if you can support the March of Dimes in any way, do so. 

I have found 2 5Ks to sign up for. One in May and one in June.  I hope to run the one in June.

And to keep with that I have found really great training programs.  Right now I am doing "How to run 2 miles".  After that, I have found a "How to train for a 5K"

I have also been researching eating for running and healthy recipes.  I am actually going to look up a recipe for Hummus after finished with this. Mmmmm.

And now, at last: Weigh in Wednesday (Sunday edition):

196 pounds

That's right. 4 pounds since I started. Not bad.  I wanted nice, gradual weight loss. And I'm getting it.  What I haven't divulged before is that in December, I actually weighed 213 pounds.  I realized how big (pun intended) of an issues my weight had become and started walking.  I didn't start running until a week before I started this blog.  I know that most people have big weight loss for the first two weeks of a new program, then it tapers off.  My big weight loss started before I began running. 

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Weigh In Wednesday

Well.... I weigh 199.2 Lbs....
I didn't plan a workout today and didn't do one either.  I just wasn't feeling it.  And feeling a little tired and swollen.  My hands keep swelling.  I have no idea why. But they hurt too.  So...I took today and played Barbies with my daughter and thought about my garden.  So today is not a total loss.  Everyone needs a rest right?

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Healthy Weekend

Planned Workout: Sunday- Swimming with the kid  Monday: Intervals and Legs  Tuesday- No Plan

Actual Workour:  Sunday- Swimming with the kid  Monday: Intervals, legs,arms, and a little ab work  Tuesaday- Ran (intervalish) a 3k in a liitle over 25 minutes

So I did good this weekend.  Well, except Sunday I went to my sisters for our almost weekly family meal get-togethers.  Chicken, stuffing, salad, mashed potatoes, gravy, corn, cheese bread, and pudding for dessert.  Yeah, no eating healthy at that meal. 

Overall, it was a healthy weekend.  now off to work.   Ah Monday.... I hate Monday.

Saturday, March 3, 2012

Strong Saturday

So on Saturdays I go to my gym for a Boot Camp class.  My hubby signed us up in January.  The caption in the little news letter said it was for any fitness level.  Any.  What it should have said is that it will kick your a$$.  Not just mine, but even they guy who can bench press his weight easily.  Today's workout contained Burpies, Suicides, lunges of all types, crunches, squats, running the stairs, push ups, and things I don't know even know if they have names.  An hour of this.  Good thing our instructor is cool. And fit.  She teaches a spin class right before our class.  Did I mention she is also almost six months pregnant? WOW is all I can say. 

After the first class I hurt every time I moved.  I at least have moved past that am just generally sore afterwards. Yay!  And next week? I think I am going to move up from 8 pound weights to 10 pound weights. 

Ok, on to non workout randomness:


I have been drinking a cup of this with honey every night when I get home, sometimes even in bed.  Yum!


Club 911

This has all kinds of awesome dispatcher  gear.  I want the "I tell cops where to go" Tee!
I learned about this website at a CTO training I went to in February.


This is by Danskin Now.  I have it in a royal blue and black.  I usually wear oversized Tees to workout in because I feel so self conscious.  Plus, I hate my arms.  But I scored one of these on clearance, and with a little encouragement from Hubby I got it and wear it to work out.  I feel so much better that I did in a soaking wet tee at the end of a workout.

Anyone else out there finding some new faves?