Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Weigh in Wednesday

Planned Workout: JM30DS, aqua jog
Actual Workout: aqua jog

I am not doing well with this 30DS thing.  Today I over slept, ran to get Little Miss to track and field, me to aqua jog, and her to maw maw's so I could go to the office (my now second job) before going to work. 

Today was just one of those days, I think.  I thought I would be smart and wear my sandals to the gym since I was only swimming.  Yeah, forgot to pack myself socks for work.  Heel boots with no socks :( Awesome.

I did have a good weigh in this morning:

That's right. One pound away from how much I weighed when I found out I was pregnant.  Almost 5 years ago.  Ladies and Gentlemen, I just may be on my way!

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Reality Check

Planned Workout: JM30DS, some kind of running at the gym
Actual Workout: JM30DS, Fat Burner walk @ 3.5 mph, and a little more weight lifting at the gym

Saturday morning, I was feeling good.  I attempted to run 3 miles.  A little over 2 miles in, I hurt my leg.  More specifically, the side of my quad on my right leg.  I tried walking for a while, then running again.  It still hurt.  Worse.  I decided I could walk home.  The more I walked, the more it hurt.  I called Hubby about a quarter of a mile from home to pick me up.  He was out mowing and didn't hear his phone.  I started hobbling, but made it home.

I decided that I would take Sunday and Monday off from any running and not do anything at all workout wise on Sunday.  Monday I did aqua jog, and I felt a little sore, but ok.  Today I tried 30DS and I was timid.  There were certain moves I just wouldn't do.  By Thursday I hope to get a run in, even just a small one.

After this debacle, I took a looonng look in the mirror.  Everyone has been commenting to me about how I am looking good and talking to me about how much weight I have lost.  Since I started this blog I have lost almost 30 pounds.  While this made me feel good and more confident, I started making decisions I shouldn't have last week.  Have a doughnut and coffee for a mid afternoon snack 2 days in a row? Sure why not?  Eat a 530 calorie pizza at 1130pm? As long as I run tomorrow. 

Being a Law Enforcement Dispatcher, this sign rocks!

Anyway, back to the mirror.  I caught a glimpse in the mirror and though, "Wow, I do look different.  Why did I wait so long to do this?"  Then I took a harder look and realized I may have come this far, but I am no where near the end.  Usually, this is when I get discouraged and start telling myself I will never get there.  Not this time.  This time I told myself, "Ok, so we still have back rolls and a "belly flap".  What can we do to work on this?  I think I can feel this time being different.

Tuesday, June 12, 2012


Planned Workout: run 3 miles, and JM30DS
Actual Workout: walk/jog 2miles and JM30DS

So, my IPOD got washed.  Along with my totals for all my runs for the year.  Along with all the music I use to get me through the runs.  So sad.  I hope it can be fixed. :(

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Weigh in Wednesday

Planned Workout: Jillian M's 30 DS, aqua jog
Actual Workout: Aqua Jog, run 3k, more swimming

Ok, so I missed a day of my 30 DS challenge.  Really, I slept in a little too much, started it, did 10 minutes, then went "oh crap!" I gotta get to the gym! I tried to make up for it.

Plus, I was feeling a little bummed.  Today was my 5th day on 30DS and I have really stepped up the exercising this week.  And where does that put me on the scale?



That's right... I gained 4 pounds!!!!

I have been measuring myself and I am losing inches, so I am hoping this it the "muscles have a higher density than fat, so if your are not gaining mass, you are gaining muscle."  I don't know the exact ratios...but I think I will look them up.

I will get back to you on that!

Friday, June 1, 2012

Weigh in Wednesday---err Friday

Planned Workout: Jillian Michaels' 30 day shred, Aqua Jog
Actual Workout: see above ;)

OK, so lets start with the obvious: "Where have you been young lady?"

Well, I have been on myfitnesspal ...aaannndd...going crazy.

We had a yard sale last weekend.  Disaster.  We had to spend all the money we made on food.  Why? Fridge went out... on a holiday weekend...a HOT holiday weekend.  The last 2 days of the sale, we made zilch on money.

Little Miss had her last week of preschool *Sniffle* The little graduation was adorable.

I have taken up a fitness challenge on MFP to do 30 day shred in June.
I have also put (back) in to take up the training position at my old agency. (And remain where I am as well.)
I have decided to keep doing aqua jog, for at least one more session.

OK, the next part... I need to weigh in......


Yeah, doesn't seem like a lot, but I think I am losing inches.   Since it is that time, I will add an updated pic too:


I am working hard on balance right now.  Balancing exercise and food, life and fitness, work and play.  Obviously MFP is helping me with fitness, but it is taking away from my time to blog.  I am working on making time for both.